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Positively Pinspiring

I have a long list of things I need to be doing but I am having a rough day already. I needed to do something I WANTED to do to hopefully turn this day around. So here I am! Linking up for one of my favorite linkys and who cares if it's a day late. :)
On Wednesday, I am going to an award banquet for my job. I was #1 on my team! I work for a really fun company and this is my first time going. I CANNOT wait! I have been looking for hairstyles and makeup. I want to look fancy! ;) My everyday clothing consist of skinny jeans and flats and some shirt that hopefully doesn't make me look pregnant. (I'm not.) I wear absolutely no makeup. I probably should though. Here is the hairstyle I am going to attempt.

Someone purchased my Building Blocks Bundle and made this awesome cover for her product! I absolutely LOVE seeing how my images get used in the classroom!

The last thing I wanted to share was this SUPER cute Christmas Tree. (Too soon?) If I could trust my daughter near paint for more than 2 seconds we might actually make this as our family Christmas cards this year.


  1. I really like the Christmas tree! Repinned it to keep the idea and to plan ahead for our Kids-Parents-Christmas day :)!

  2. Thanks for stopping by. I always get nervous with paint and my four year old but I think I will give this a try this year!


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